Home Page of Matilde Lalín My picture

      Matilde Lalín         tux  

      Professeure titulaire / Professor

      Adresse postale: Université de Montréal
                                    Pavillon André-Aisenstadt, Dépt. de mathématiques et de statistique
                                    CP 6128, succ. Centre-ville
                                   Montréal, Québec, H3C 3J7, Canada
      Bureau:  Pavillon André-Aisenstadt 5145
      Téléphone: (514) 343-6689.
      Courriel:  matilde.lalin@umontreal.ca

Newererer!!! with Juan Arévalo Gómez, Prime factors with given multiplicity in h-free and h-full polynomials over function fields, submitted February 2024

Newerer!!! with Alexandra Florea, and Edna Jones, Moments of Artin-Schreier L-functions, submitted November 2023

Newer!!! with Anwesh Ray, On the distribution of eigenvalues in families of Cayley graphs, submitted November 2023

New!!! with Pranendu Darbar, Chantal David, and Allysa Lumley, Asymmetric Distribution of Extreme Values of Cubic L-functions on the 1-line, submitted June 2023

Personal Information:

Curriculum Vitae:

Preprints and Publications:

Talks (not up to date):


Seminar Talks at UT:

Teaching, organizing, etc:

  • I was an instructor for PIMS-SFU undergraduate summer school on multiple zeta values Course notes.

    Other Stuff:

    Breastfeeding Protection Petition

    Last updated August 10, 2016 (or later).
    Send questions, comments to ac.laertnomu.smdTAnilalm

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