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/ Département de mathématiques et de statistique

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Frequently asked questions

Q. I’m looking for an internship. Whom should I ask?
R. The Master’s program in Mathematical and Computational Finance does not have a placement service at present, but some resources are available. For further information, contact Andréanne Lemonde (Internship Co-ordinator). You can also speak to the program supervisor, Fabian Bastin. You may also find postings from our partners from time to time on our site, under Internships / supervised projects.
Q. I’m looking for an internship and I’m open to the idea of an international experience. What opportunities are there within the program?
R. Our program has a strategic international partner. EISTI and UdeM have signed a special agreement for the Master’s in Mathematical and Computational Finance. Under this agreement, not only do we host students from EISTI every year, but our students have the opportunity to go on a study exchange as part of which they can do a business internship with an EISTI partner in France. For further information, check the International section and/or contact the program supervisor, Fabian Bastin.
Q. Where can I get proof of enrolment, an official transcript, an attestation d’obtention de diplôme or any other official document?
R. Any request for official documents must be addressed to the Registrar’s Office. You can make the request in person or online.
If you need a copy of an attestation de fin d’études, you must go to the Service d’appui à la formation interdisciplinaire et à la réussite étudiante (SAFIRE), in the Lionel Groulx Pavilion, at 3150 Jean-Brillant, Office C-1010. Certain fees may apply for any of these documents.
Q. I am an exchange student. Where can I get an attestation de présence, attestation d’inscription or attestation de fin de séjour?
R. For any of these official documents, you must go to the Service d’appui à la formation interdisciplinaire et à la réussite étudiante (SAFIRE), in the Lionel Groulx Pavilion, at 3150 Jean-Brillant, Office C-1010.