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/ Département de mathématiques et de statistique

Je donne

Supporting the Department

Are you committed to supporting the next generation or research in actuarial science, mathematics or statistics? You can help, whether you are an alumnus, a friend, a business or a foundation.

Supporting the Department of Mathematics and Statistics means supporting higher education and training for future actuaries, mathematicians and statisticians. It also means supporting cutting-edge research and helping to boost the Department’s international reputation.

You can contribute by directing your donation to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Alma mater fund.

Alma mater fund

A donation to the Alma mater fund will help us:

  • Give awards and scholarships to students at all levels with exemplary academic records
  • Support the organization of scientific training activities like symposiums and lectures

Lancement de la grande campagne - Des talents. Une planète!

Lancement de la grande campagne - Des talents. Une planète!

There are various options available to you..

Join these donors who have chosen to help build tomorrow.

Thank you for your generosity.



Canada: charitable organization registration number: 10816 0995 RR0001
United States: IRS 501(C)(03) charitable organization registration number: 23-7172320