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/ Département de mathématiques et de statistique

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Financial support


Many scholarships are awarded to students in mathematics, actuarial science and statistics. Although most of the fellowships of the grant agencies are reserved for Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada, some competitions are intended for international students. In addition, the Université de Montréal introduced in the Fall of 2020 a program to reduce tuition fees for international students with respect to the rates imposed by the Quebec government. Moreover, there are bilateral agreements between several countries and the Government of Canada concerning tuition fees. For more information, visit UdeM international.

People to contact at our department: TGDE 1er cycle, TGDE cycles supérieurs.


Graduate studies

Departmental funding

The Department guarantees funding for certain master's and doctoral students

Departmental funding
The département de mathématiques et de statistique provides funding to master’s students through teaching assistantships* (approximately $2,400 per course). This funding is available to students depending on the availability of positions.

In addition, supervisors often provide funding from their own research grants. For this reason, we strongly encourage applicants to identify the professors they want to work with and contact them before submitting their application for admission. Here are the professors of our department by fields of research:

* In accordance with the collective agreement signed between the Université de Montréal and the Syndicat des étudiants et étudiantes employé(e)s de l’Université de Montréal (SÉÉEUM), students must apply for the positions of teaching assistants posted by the departément de mathématiques et de statistique.
Departmental funding

All students applying to the PhD programs in mathematics and statistics are automatically considered for integrated funding of their studies by the departément de mathématiques et de statistique. This funding is normally renewable for three years. It is typically provided by funds from the ESP (Études Supérieures et Postdoctorales) and the ISM (Institut des Sciences Mathématiques) managed by the Department, by the research funds of the student's supervisor, as well as by teaching assistantships (approximately $2,400 per course). Starting in the third year, certain students can also teach a stand-alone course (for approximately $9,000).

Only candidates with the best files will be offered such funding. It should be emphasized that the contribution of the supervisor's research funds is essential. Therefore, we strongly encourage applicants to identify the professors with whom they want to work and to contact them before submitting their application for admission. Here are the professors of our department by fields of research:

* In accordance with the collective agreement signed between the University of Montreal and the Syndicat des étudiants et étudiantes employé(e)s de l’Université de Montréal (SÉÉEUM), the selected students must apply for the positions of teaching assistants posted by the departément de mathématiques et de statistique.

Research group funding
PhD students can be admitted to a research group without choosing a specific advisor for their first year of studies. Such an admission is funded by a fellowship sponsored by the entire research group, which can be combined with funding from the Department as described in the above section.

Here are the research groups offering this option:

Tuition fees

All students enrolled in the Université de Montréal PhD programs must pay tuition fees that vary according to their status at the university (master's / doctorate, full-time / thesis writing) and their status in Canada. The departément de mathématiques et de statistique does not cover these expenses.
The following table gives an approximate estimate of the fees required annually at each case. It should be noted that the amounts below include the reduction in tuition fees that the Université de Montréal offers to all international students compared to the rates imposed by the government of Quebec.

  Full-time (temps plein)* Thesis writing (en rédaction)
Master (Quebec resident, French national, or francophone Belgian national) 6 353$ 2 071$
Master (Canadian**) 15 794$ 2 071$
Master (international) 34 581$ 2 071$
Doctorate 6 353$ 2 071$

* At the master's level, students must be registered "full-time" for at least their first year of study; at the doctoral level, this is required for the first two years.
** Master’s students who are Canadian and non-residents of Quebec can apply for a Bourse D.

For more information, please visit the following links (in French):
- Calculateur de frais de scolarité
- Tuition fee exemption fellowships for international students
- Bilateral agreements between certain countries and Canada on tuition fees


Several other scholarships are available for our graduate students. The websites of the Etudes Supérieures et Postdoctorales, the  Faculté des Arts et des Sciences and of the fellowship office of the Université de Montréal contain the entire catalog. Below are the top scholarships for math and statistics students.

Departmental scholarships


Description :

Created following the generous donation of Mr. Christian Léger, full professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, the Christian-Léger Scholarship Fund aims to contribute to the dynamism and expertise in statistics of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics by offering a graduate admission scholarship to students. The project proposes the offer of one (1) annual scholarship in the amount of $5,000. This scholarship is offered to a student who will begin or will have begun a graduate statistics program in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the calendar year in which the scholarship is awarded.


Winners :
Year Name
2025 TBD



Description :

The Serge-Tardif scholarship is awarded every year to a graduate student in Statistics on the basis of academic excellence, research potential, leadership, and communication skills. The scholarship is made possible by a gift from the family of Professor Serge Tardif, who passed away in September 1998.

Winners :
Year Name
2023 Guillaume Huguet
2022 Ismaël Afolabi Assani
2021 Bruno Monsia
2020 Kassimou Abdoul Haki Maoude
2019 Vanessa McNealis
2018 Simon Fontaine et Rebecca Privé
2017 Nicolas Grenon-Godbout
2016 Aurélien Guetsop Nangue
2013 Joseph Tagne
2012 Folly Adjogou
2011 Maciej Augustyniak



Description :

The Serge-Bissonnette scholarship is awarded every year to a graduate student in Mathematics. The scholarship is made possible by a gift from the family of Serge Bissonnette. The eligibility criteria are academic excellence, research potential, leadership and communication skills.


Winners :
Year Name
2023 Théo Pinet
2022 Stelios Sachpazis and Charles Sénécal
2021 Philippe Robitaille-Grou
2020 Kunjakanan Nath
2019 Dominique Rathel-fournier
2018 Antoine Giard and Jonathan Godin
2017 Jean Lagacé
2016 Frédéric Ouimet
2013 Lenka Motlochova
2012 Guillaume Poliquin and Michelle Larouche
2011 François Charest


Other scholarships

Alma mater scholarships

Description :

This $5,000 scholarships recognizing exceptional academic performance by new graduate students in the Faculty.


Eligibility criteria :
  • The Department recommends its best candidates.
  • There are no forms to be completed and no applications necessary.


Georges-Baril scholarships

Description :

This $4,000 scholarship was created in 1956, at the initiative of Professor Roger Barré and a committee of professors, and augmented in 2012 by the daughter of the late Georges Baril, Cécile Baril Paradis. Her gift made it possible to increase the value of the existing undergraduate award and create a Master’s-level recruitment scholarship.

The Georges-Baril scholarships are intended to encourage talented young students to undertake Master’s-level studies in science.


Eligibility criteria :
  • You must be newly admitted on a full-time basis to a Master’s-level program at the Université de Montréal, in one of the following departments: Physical Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Geography, Mathematics and Statistics, or Computer Science and Operational Research.
  • You must have maintained a GPA of at least 3.7 out of 4.3 at the undergraduate level, or the equivalent.
  • You must have maintained an average above the group average for all courses combined.
  • You may have done your undergraduate studies at a university other than the Université de Montréal.


Application :

Your application must include :

  • Undergraduate transcripts (originals, if not from the Université de Montréal).
  • A description of your research project (500 words maximum).
  • A letter to the members of the jury in which you explain why you wish to pursue graduate studies in science (500 words maximum).
  • A letter of recommendation from your thesis supervisor at the master’s level or from a professor who taught you at the undergraduate level.

You must submit 1 original and 4 copies of your application.


ESP merit scholarships

Description :

Every year, the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (ESP) administers several merit scholarships on behalf of certain foundations, firms and individuals, to provide financial support for graduate students in various disciplines.


Eligibility criteria :
  • You must be enrolled full-time in a Master’s or PhD program
  • You must have very good marks (≥ 3.7 / 4.3).

For further information, see the page on merit scholarships on the ESP site.


Various scholarships


Year Scholarship Name
2019 Réussite ESP

Philippe Charron

Nonvikan Karl-Augustt Alahassa

2019 Excellence ESP

Philippe Charron

Stelios Sachpazis

Subham Roy

Abdur Razzak

2018 Georges-Baril Simon St-Amant
2018 Excellence ESP

Poclaire Gtougaimbo Kenmogne

Philippe Charron

Antoine Métras

Subham Roy

2017 Réussite ESP

Joelle Matte

Kunjakanan Nath

2017 Excellence ESP

Poclaire Gtougaimbo Kenmogne

Philippe Charron

Donald Tchoumba Jewoh

2016 Georges-Baril Léonard Houde Therrien
2016 Excellence ESP

Poclaire Gtougaimbo Kenmogne

Romain Kadje Kenmogne

Guillaume Boglioni-Beaulieu

Ismail Abouamal

2013 Georges-Baril Laura Broley
  Excellence ESP

Paule-Marjolaine Bodson-Clermont
Florian Duquerroix

Other sources of funding

If you are a master’s or doctoral student, you may finance your studies by taking on a position as a teaching or research assistant or a lecturer.

Under the collective agreement between the Université de Montréal and the Syndicat des étudiants et étudiantes employé(e)s de the Université de Montréal (SÉÉEUM), eligible students must apply for positions posted by the Department.

Teaching assistant

A teaching assistant (TA) in the Department is usually assigned to give demonstrations and mark homework and exams. The position involves three hours of work with students per week, for 13 weeks, and pays about $1,800 a term. The Department may assign about 140 demonstrations a year.

Research assistant

A research assistant is a Université de Montréal student, generally full time at the graduate level, hired to assist professors and researchers with research work.


Students who have completed their doctoral coursework, in general, are eligible for part-time lecturer positions. Teaching excellence is the most important criterion. Duties include :

  • preparing and teaching courses according to different pedagogical methods;
  • updating course content;
  • preparing teaching materials according to the pedagogical methods used;
  • evaluating students’ performance.

Working and studying

Students also have access to an employment assistance service. Find out more about specialized job offers in your field of study, potential employers and the tools you need to search for a job that meets your needs.

Undergraduate studies
Doray Family Scholarship
5,000 $
Description :

Created following the generous donation of Louis Doray, full professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, the Doray Family Fund pays tribute to past and present generations of the Louis Doray family. Through this donation, the donor wishes to contribute to supporting female expertise in actuarial science and financial mathematics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the Université de Montréal. The project proposes the offer of one (1) annual scholarship in the amount of $5,000 to an undergraduate student in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics who is pursuing the Actuarial Science or Financial Mathematics program in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and who is completing a 14-week summer research initiation internship in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.


Winners :
Year Name



Eligibility criteria :
  • Being a woman
  • Be registered in the bachelor's degree in mathematics in the actuarial science program or in a financial mathematics program in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Have obtained a minimum general average of 3.3/4.3 and have successfully completed at least 36 credits in the bachelor's degree in mathematics and statistics
  • Not having received a scholarship associated with this internship from a funding body or institute such as ISM, IVADO or Mitacs
  • Have a professor from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics who has agreed to supervise this internship and to offer a $1,000 scholarship from his or her funds


Award criteria :
  • The quality of the academic record
  • The relevance of the research project


Deadline :

Check with the Department.


Information :
Julien-Théoret Scholarship
2,500 $
Description :

Created following the generous donation of Mr. Claude Goutier, the Julien-Théoret Fund aims to reward perseverance and alleviate the financial burden of determined and resilient students facing academic and personal challenges. This initiative reflects Mr. Goutier’s commitment to education and his desire to support student success.

This scholarship is awarded by the FAS.


Winners :
Year Name



Eligibility criteria :
  • Be enrolled in an undergraduate program in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics OR in an undergraduate program in the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research
  • Have completed at least 60 credits in the program
  • Have obtained a minimum general average of 3.3/4.3 (B+)


Award criteria :
  • Maintain a satisfactory academic average
  • Demonstrate an interest in the following topics :
    • Number theory in relation to numerical calculations: Unsolved problems in number theorie by Richard Guy
    • The algorithms developed in particular in the following work : Fondamentals of Algorithmics by Gilles Brassard and Paul Bratley


Deadline :

Check with the Department.


Information :
RGA Scholarship
2,500 $
Description :

The scholarship aims to support students from diverse backgrounds in pursuing undergraduate studies in mathematics or computer science. To this end, RGA Life Reinsurance Company of Canada offers four annual perseverance scholarships, each worth $2,500, to students from underrepresented communities. RGA is dedicated to ensuring equitable opportunities and nurturing an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion.

This scholarship is awarded by the Université de Montréal


Winners :
Year Name



Eligibility criteria :
  • Have Canadian citizenship or permanent residency
  • Be enrolled full-time or deemed full-time in one of the following undergrads programs: Bachelor's in Mathematics, Bachelor's in Computer Science, Bachelor's in Mathematics and Computer Science, or Bachelor's in Mathematics and Economics
  • Be from or belong to an underrepresented group
  • Have a good academic record

Individuals enrolled in the actuarial science or financial mathematics path of the Mathematics programs will be given preference.

Individuals from visible or ethnic minorities, individuals from the First Nations, individuals with disabilities or individuals part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community will be given preference.

Whenever possible, an equitable distribution of scholarships among the four favoured underrepresented groups will be carried out.

Award criteria :
  • Selection based on a combination of academic achievement, personal achievement through perseverance, extracurricular involvement and/or participation in volunteer leadership activities.


Deadline :

Check with the Department.


Information :
Micheline Gaudreault Scholarships
Description :

The Micheline Gaudreault Scholarships is awarded undergraduate student  studying in Actuarial Science or statistics program, in recognition of their academic excellence.


Winners :
Year Name
2023 Mathieu Laroche-Poissant and Ruzanna Hakobyan
2022 Frédérique Lussier
2021 Guillaume Martin
2020 Igman Talbi
2019 Liu An
2018 Raphaëlle Frenière
2017 Raphaëlle Frenière et Casta Ung (ex aequo)

Nicolas Cadieux


Eligibility criteria :

Check with the Department.


Award criteria :

Check with the Department.


Deadline :

Check with the Department.


Information :
Intact Insurance Corporation Scholarship
Description :

The Intact Insurance Corporation Scholarship, formerly AXA, rewards the academic excellence and social or community involvement of a Bachelor’s in Mathematics (Actuarial Science and Actuarial co-op) student.


Winners :
Year Name
2024 Guillaume MacNeil
2023 Rebecca Abi Abdallah
2022 Frédérique Lussier
2021 Simon Luangxay
2020 Liliane Ma
2019 Juliette Beaulieu-Lépine
2018 Stefan Horoi
2017 Olivier Lamarche
2016 Nicolas Cadieux
2015 Olivier Lagacé
2014 Étienne Girard-Proulx
2013 Maude Gélinas
2012 Hugo Lafortune-Brunet


Eligibility criteria :

You must have completed 12 to 33 credits in the program.


Award criteria :

Winners are selected on the basis of the following criteria :

  • Academic excellence (60% of points).
  • Your contribution to the life of the Department and its student association, or your social, community and/or sports involvement (40% of points).


Deadline :

Check with the Department.


Information :
Maurice-L’Abbé Award
different amounts
Description :

The Maurice-L’Abbé Award is presented every year by the Department to the top student at the halfway point in his or her undergraduate studies.

This award is made possible by gifts from several donors.


Recipients :
Year Name
2023 Damien Leblanc
2022 Félix Houde
2021 Éloi Martin
2020 Laurent Alsène-Racicot
2019 Jonas Klen et Nicolas Degré-Pelletier
2018 Crystal Kwok et Étienne Ménard"
2017 Simon Saint-Amant
2016 Frank Ramamonjisoa
2013 Antoine Comeau-Lapointe
2012 Joanie Martineau
2011 Vanessa Bergeron-Laperrière


Eligibility criteria :

You must have the top marks at the halfway point in your undergraduate studies in Mathematics.


Deadline :

Check with the Department.


Information :
Constance-van Eeden Award
different amounts
Description :

The Constance-van Eeden Award is presented every year to the graduating student with the top marks in the Bachelor’s in Mathematics (Actuarial Science, Financial Mathematics or Statistics) program.

Professor Emeritus Constance van Eeden made an exceptional contribution to the development of Statistics at the Université de Montréal.

This award is made possible by gifts from several donors.


Recipients :
Year Name
2023 Kamila Yahiaoui
2022 Francis Roussel
2021 Sébastien Garneau
2020 Crystal Kwok
2019 Étienne Ménard
2018 Hai Rong Fang
2017 Gabriel Boisvert-Beaudry et Yannick Desrosiers (ex aequo)
2016 Nicolas Grenon-Godbout
2013 Mylène Teasdale
2012 Vincent Duranceau-Desmarais
2011 Jean-François Bégin


Eligibility criteria :

You must have the top marks among the graduating students in the Bachelor’s in Mathematics (Actuarial Science, Financial Mathematics or Statistics) program.


Deadline :

Check with the Department.


Information :
Jean-Maranda Award
different amounts
Description :

This award is presented every year to the graduating student with the top marks in the Bachelor’s in Mathematics (Pure and Applied Mathematics) program.

This award is made possible by gifts from several donors.


Recipients :
Year Name
2023 Félix Houde
2022 Éloi Martin
2021 Laurent Alsène Racicot and Charles Sénécal
2020 Victor Geadah
2019 Philippe Robitaille-Grou
2018 Simon St-Amant et Jérémie Turcotte
2017 Frank Ramamonjisoa
2016 François-Simon Fauteux-Chapleau
2013 Kevin Gervais
2012 Nicolas Simard
2011 Jean-François Gagnon


Eligibility criteria :

You must have the top marks among the graduating students in the Bachelor’s in Mathematics (Pure and Applied Mathematics) program.


Deadline :

Check with the Department.


Information :
Interuniversity Exchange Scholarship
different amounts
Description :

This scholarship is awarded every year to the student with the best interuniversity exchange proposal, to travel in Canada or elsewhere in the world.


Winners :
Year Name
2013 Jean Lagacé
2012 Aron Korenblit
2011 Gabrielle Simoneau
Audrey-Anne Vallée


Eligibility criteria :
  • You must be a Bachelor’s in Mathematics student.
  • You must have excellent marks.


Deadline :

Check with the Department.


Information :
Ravy Por Scholarship
1 500$
Description :

1 500$ scholarship awarded to a worthy female student (preferably from a minority) who is currently enrolled in a bachelor or master's program in mathematics, statistics or actuarial sciences, to support them in their studies. This scholarship is awarded thanks to the generosity of Ravy Por, who obtained her bachelor's degree in mathematics, actuarial option, in 2008.


Watch this video (in french) for more information.

Winners :
Year Name
2023 Rebecca Abi Abdallah and Sandrine St-Cyr
2022 Geneviève Bistodeau-Gagnon and Kamila Yahiaoui
2021 Shophika Vaithyanathasarma

Faculty of Arts and Science scholarships

Awards from other organizations

You will find the attestation forms for scholarships in the Resources and forms section.