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/ Département de mathématiques et de statistique

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Associated centres and institutes

Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM)

The Centre's mandate is to serve as a Quebec-wide hub for fundamental research in mathematics and its applications.

It co-ordinates advanced courses, organizes international scientific workshops and offers outreach activities. It also houses permanent research laboratories.


Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT)

The Centre’s research activities focus on the planning of logistics networks and transportation networks, information technology and decision-support technology.

Among other areas, CIRRELT works on developing models and algorithms for designing and operating telecommunications networks.


Centre for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations (CIRANO)

CIRANO brings together over 180 professor-researchers active in a variety of disciplines, including economics, finance, computer science, medicine and operational research.

They produce high-calibre scientific work and publish in the leading specialized journals.


Institut des sciences mathématiques de Montréal (ISM)

The Institut des sciences mathématiques (ISM) is a consortium of Quebec universities that co-ordinates scientific collaboration on different research themes.

It plans ISM courses, organizes research seminars and takes part in selecting CRM-ISM postdoctoral fellows, among other activities.