Home Page of Matilde Lalín
Matilde Lalín
Professeure titulaire / Professor
Adresse postale: Université de Montréal
Pavillon André-Aisenstadt,
Dépt. de mathématiques et de
CP 6128, succ. Centre-ville
Montréal, Québec, H3C 3J7, Canada
Bureau: Pavillon André-Aisenstadt 5145
Téléphone: (514)
Courriel: matilde.lalin@umontreal.ca
Alexandra Florea,
Amita Malik, and
Anurag Sahay,
The shifted convolution problem in function fields,
submitted February 2025
Olha Zhur,
The distribution of prime independent multiplicative functions over function fields,
submitted December 2024
Vivian Kuperberg,
Arithmetic constants for symplectic variances of the divisor function,
submitted December 2024
Personal Information:
Curriculum Vitae:
Preprints and Publications:
- Introduccion
a las
Curvas Elipticas (Introduction to Elliptic Curves), Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad de Buenos
Aires (1999), in Spanish.
- Some
relations of Mahler measure with hyperbolic volumes and special values of
L-functions, Doctoral Dissertation,
University of Texas at Austin (2005).
- Some
examples of Mahler measures as multiple polylogarithms,
J. Number Theory 103
(2003), no. 1, 85--108.
- Mahler
measure and volumes in hyperbolic space, Geom. Dedicata 107
(2004), no. 1, 211--234.
- On certain combination of colored
multizeta values, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 21
(2006), no. 1, 115--127.
- Mahler measure of some n-variable
polynomial families, J.
Number Theory 116 (2006), no. 1, 102--139.
- with Carlos A. D'Andrea,
On the
Mahler measure of resultants in small dimensions,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 209
(2007), no. 2, 393--410.
- An
algebraic integration for Mahler measure, Duke Math.
J. 138 (2007), no. 3, 391--422.
- with Mathew D. Rogers,
Functional equations for Mahler
measures of genus-one curves, Algebra Number Theory 1
(2007), no. 1, 87--117.
- Mahler measure and computations with
Number Theory 128 (2008), no. 5,
- with Oliver T. Dasbach,
On the
recurrence of coefficients in the
Lück-Fuglede-Kadison determinant,
Proceedings of
the "Segundas Jornadas de Teoría de Números"
(Madrid 2007),
Bib. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. (2008), 119--134.
with Nobushige Kurokawa and Hiroyuki
Ochiai ,
Higher Mahler measures and zeta functions,
Acta Arith. 135
(2008), no. 3,
- with Oliver T. Dasbach,
Mahler measure under variations of
the base group, Forum Math.
(2009), no. 4,
On a conjecture by Boyd,
Int. J. Number
6 (2010), no. 3, 705--711.
- with
, Marco
Leonardo Bianucci (also available: first draft, revised version,
journal proofs),
Royal Alex.
Hosp. Apr 30 (2009),
w. 4230, l. 560
with Alina Bucur, Chantal David, and
Brooke Feigon,
Statistics for traces of cyclic trigonal curves over finite
Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2010, no. 5,
Alina Bucur, Chantal David, and
Brooke Feigon,
Fluctuations in the number of points on smooth plane curves
over finite fields, J.
Number Theory 130 (2010), no. 11, 2528--2541.
with Alina Bucur, Chantal David, and
Brooke Feigon,
Biased statistics for traces of cyclic p-fold covers over finite
WIN---Women in Numbers, Fields Institute Communications, vol. 60,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2011, pp. 121--143.
Sinha, Higher Mahler measure for
cyclotomic polynomials and Lehmer's question,
Ramanujan J. 26 (2011), no. 2, 257--294.
Alina Bucur, Chantal David,
Brooke Feigon, and Kaneenika Sinha,
Distribution of zeta zeroes of Artin--Schreier
Math. Res. Lett. 19 (2012), no. 6, 1329--1356.
Mathew Rogers, Variations of the Ramanujan polynomials and remarks on
$\zeta(2j+1)/\pi^{2j+1}$, Funct. Approx. Comment.
Math. 48 (2013), part 1, 91--111.
Smyth, Unimodularity
of zeros of self-inversive
Acta Math.
Hungar. 138 (2013), no.
1-2, 85--101.
Addendum, Acta Math.
Hungar. 147 (2015), no.
1, 255--257.
- with Zahraa Issa, A generalization of a theorem of
Boyd and Lawton,
Canad. Math. Bull. 56 (2013), no. 4, 759--768.
- Equations for Mahler measure and isogenies,
Proceedings of the ``Cuartas jornadas de teoria de
numeros'' J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux 25 (2013), no. 2, 387--399.
with Marie-José Bertin, Mahler measure of
multivariable polynomials,
Women in numbers 2: research directions in number theory, 125--147, Contemp. Math., 606, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2013.
with Marie-José Bertin, Amy Feaver, Jenny Fuselier, and Michelle
Manes, Mahler measure of some
Women in numbers 2: research directions in number theory, 149--169, Contemp. Math., 606, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2013.
- with
Bianucci, Victor Alejandro Bianucci (also available: first draft, revised version,
journal proofs),
CHU St. Justine. Jun 27 (2013),
w. 4060, l. 530
with Francis Rodrigue and Mathew Rogers, Secant zeta functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 409 (2014),
no. 1, 197--204.
Mahler measure and elliptic curve
L-functions at s=3,
J. Reine Angew. Math. 709 (2015), 201--218.
Jean-Sébastien Lechasseur,
Higher Mahler measure of an n-variable family,
Acta Arith. 174
(2016), no. 1,
Olivier Larocque,
The number of irreducible
polynomials with first two prescribed coefficients over a finite field,
Rocky Mountain J. Math.
46 (2016), no. 5, 1587--1618.
A new method for polylogarithmic Mahler measure formulas,
Res. Number Theory
2 (2016), Paper No. 17, 16 pp.
Alina Bucur,
Chantal David,
Brooke Feigon,
Nathan Kaplan,
Ekin Ozman,
Melanie Matchett Wood
The distribution of F_q-points on cyclic l-covers of genus g,
Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2016, no. 14, 4297--4340.
Alina Bucur, Chantal David, and
Brooke Feigon,
Statistics for ordinary
Artin-Schreier covers and other p-rank strata Trans. Amer. Math.
368 (2016), no. 4, 2371--2413.
Detchat Samart and Wadim Zudilin,
Further explorations of Boyd's
conjectures and a conductor 21 elliptic curve,
J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2)
93 (2016), no. 2, 341--360.
Frank Ramamonjisoa,
The Mahler measure of a Weierstrass form,
Int. J. Number Theory
13 (2017), no. 8, 2195--2214.
Vincent Girard
Siva Sankar Nair,
Families of non-θ-congruent numbers with arbitrarily many prime factors,
Colloq. Math. 152 (2018), no. 2, 255--271.
Jean-Sébastien Lechasseur,
A reduction formula for length-two polylogarithms and some applications,
Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina
59 (2018), no. 2, 285--309.
Tushant Mittal,
The Mahler measure for arbitrary tori,
Res. Number Theory
4, (2018), no. 2, Paper No. 16, 23pp.
- with
Abhijit Champanerkar and
Ilya Kofman,
Mahler measure and the Vol-Det conjecture,
J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2)
99 (2019), no. 3, 872--900.
- with
Gang Wu,
Regulator proofs for Boyd's indentities on genus 2 curves,
Int. J. Number Theory
15 (2019), no. 5, 945--967.
- with
Xinchun Ma,
θ-triangle and ω-parallelogram pairs with common area and common perimeter,
J. Number Theory 202
(2019), 1--26.
- with
Gang Wu,
The Mahler measure of a genus 3 family,
Ramanujan J. 55 (2021), no. 1, 309--326.
- with
Debmalya Basak and
Nicolas Degré-Pelletier,
Multiple zeta functions and polylogarithms over global function fields,
J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux 32
(2020), no. 2, 403--438.
- with
Jeanne Laflamme,
On Ceva points of (almost) equilateral triangles,
J. Number Theory
222 (2021), 48--74.
- with
Jarry Gu,
The Mahler measure of a three-variable family and an application to the Boyd--Lawton formula,
Res. Number Theory
7, (2021), no. 1, Paper No. 13, 23pp.
- Arithmetics, interrupted,
J. Humanist. Math. 11 (2021), no. 2, 265--270.
- with
Chantal David and
Jungbae Nam,
Conjectures for moments associated with cubic twists of elliptic curves,
Exp. Math. 32 (2023), no. 1, 105--132
- with
Mikhail Belolipetsky,
Plinio G. P. Murillo,
Lola Thompson,
Counting Salem numbers of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-orbifolds,
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 53 (2022), no. 2, 553--569.
- with
Chantal David
Alexandra Florea,
The mean values of cubic L-functions over function fields,
Algebra Number Theory 16, (2022), no. 5, 1259--1326.
- with
Chantal David
Alexandra Florea,
Non-vanishing for cubic L-functions,
Forum Math. Sigma 9,(2021), Paper No. e69, 58 pp.
- with
Rafael Jakimczuk,
The number of prime factors on average in certain integer sequences,
J. Integer Seq. 25, (2022), no. 2, Art. 22.2.3, 15 pp.
- with
Olivier Mila,
Hyperbolic Heron triangles and elliptic curves,
J. Number Theory 240 (2022), 272--295.
- with
Vivian Kuperberg,
Sums of divisor functions and von Mangoldt convolutions in 𝔽_q[T] leading to symplectic distributions,
Forum Math.,
34 (2022), no. 3, 711--747.
- with
Annie Carter,
Michelle Manes,
Alison Beth Miller, and
Lucia Mocz,
Two-variable polynomials with dynamical Mahler measure zero,
Res. Number Theory
8, (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 25, 22 pp.
- with
Xavier Généreux and
Wanlin Li,
On the Northcott property of zeta functions over function fields,
Finite Fields Appl.,
83, (2022), Paper No. 102080, 27 pp.
- with
Antoine Comeau-Lapointe, Chantal David,
Wanlin Li,
On the vanishing of twisted L-functions of elliptic curves over function fields,
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, Res. Number Theory
8, (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 76, 28 pp.
- with
Rafael Jakimczuk,
Asymptotics of sums of divisor functions over sequences with restricted factorization structure,
Notes Number Theory Discrete Math. 28 (2022), no. 4, 617--634.
- with Rafael Jakimczuk,
Sums of ω(n) and Ω(n) over the k-free parts and k-full parts of some particular sequences,
22, (2022), Paper No. A113, 22 pp.
- with
Alina Bucur,
Alina Carmen Cojocaru,
and Lillian B. Pierce,
Geometric generalizations of the square sieve, with an application to cyclic covers (with an appendix by Joseph Rabinoff),
69, (2023), no. 1, 106--154.
- with
Siva Sankar Nair,
An invariant property of Mahler measure,
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 55, (2023), no. 3, 1129--1142.
- with
Tinghao Huang and
Olivier Mila,
Spherical Heron triangles and elliptic curves,
J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux
35, (2023), no. 1, 219--246.
- with
Annie Carter,
Michelle Manes, and
Alison Beth Miller,
Dynamical Mahler measure: A survey and some recent results, Proceedings of Women in Numbers 5 (WIN5), Research Directions in Number Theory
219-252, Assoc. Women Math. Ser., 33,
Springer, Cham, 2024.
- with Zhexing Zhang,
The number of prime factors in h-free and h-full polynomials over function
Publ. Math. Debrecen 104 (2024), no. 3-4, 377--421.
Subham Roy,
Evaluations of the areal Mahler measure of multivariable polynomials,
J. Number Theory
254 (2024), 103--145.
- with Xavier Généreux,
On the Northcott property of Dedekind zeta functions,
Ramanujan J.
63 (2024), no. 4, 1135--1178.
- with
Subham Roy,
The areal Mahler measure under a power change of variables,
Illinois J. Math.,
68 (2024), no. 2, 309--330.
Siva Sankar Nair
Subham Roy,
The Mahler measure of an n-variable family with non-linear degree,
Acta Arith. 216, (2024), no. 1, 35--61.
- with
Pranendu Darbar,
Chantal David,
Allysa Lumley,
Asymmetric distribution of extreme values of cubic L-functions at s=1,
J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 110, (2024), no. 4, Paper No. e12996.
- with
Anwesh Ray,
On the distribution of eigenvalues in families of Cayley graphs,
Eur. J. Math.
10, (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 49, 20 pp.
- with
Alexandra Florea,
Edna Jones,
Moments of Artin-Schreier L-functions,
Q. J. Math. 75, (2024), no. 4,
- with
Vivian Kuperberg,
Symplectic conjectures for sums of divisor functions and explorations of an orthogonal regime,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B
12, (2025), 323--370.
- with
Juan Arévalo Gómez,
Prime factors with given multiplicity in h-free and h-full polynomials over function fields,
25, (2025), Paper No. A9, 37 pp.
Talks (not up to date):
- Examples of Mahler Measures as Multiple Polylogarithms, notes,
and video
from my talk at The many
aspects of Mahler's measure, a workshop organized by PIMS in Banff.
Here is a picture of the
participants of the workshop.
- Examples of Mahler Measures as special values of the Riemann Zeta
fucntion and L-series, notes and
from my talk at Mahler's Measure of
Polynomials, a workshop organized by PIMS and SFU in Vancouver.
- Introduction to Mahler Measure, notes from my
talk at Universidad de Buenos Aires.
- On Mahler measures of several-variable
polynomials and polylogarithms, notes
and slides from my talk at the Zeta
Functions Seminar at UC Berkeley.
- Some aspects of Mahler measure, notes
and slides
from my talk at University of Colorado at Boulder.
- Some aspects of Mahler
measure, notes
and slides
from my talk at Texas A&M University.
- An
algebraic integration for Mahler measure, slides from my talk at Variations on Mahler's
Measure, a workshop at CIRM in Luminy.
- I've also gave a couple of talks at
the Oberseminar Geometrie at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Slides from
my last talk at Universidad de Buenos Aires.
- Mahler
measure and values of regulators, slide show from my short
talk at IAS
- Regulators and computations of Mahler measure notes and slide
show from my talk at Mahler
Measure in Mobile, Alabama
- On the Mahler measure of resultants in small dimensions, notes and
show from my talk at AMS Joint
Mathematics Meetings, San Antonio, Texas
- Mahler measures as values of regulators, notes and slide show
from my talk at University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- My talk at the
Topology seminar at Louisiana State
- My talk at the
Members seminar at IAS
- My talk at the Geometry-Topology seminar at
Georgia Institute of Technology
- My talk at
the Postdoc Seminar at MSRI
- My talk at the
MSRI Number Theory Seminar at UC
- My talk at the
Barcelona Number
Theory Seminar
- Notes and
some slides
from my talk in Paris
- Functional equations for Mahler measures of genus-one curves, slides and notes from my
talk at MPIfM
- Slides and notes from my talk at
- Mahler
measure of multivariable polynomials, my talk at Norwich
- My talk at SFUBC-PIMS
Number Theory seminar
- I crashed into a topology class in
Louisiana State University and
gave an Introduction to modular
- A few hours after I gave a talk at the Topology seminar!!!
- My talk at Alberta
- My talk at Chicago
- My talk Mahler measure under
variations of the base group at the conference A second time
around the Volume Conjecture in LSU
- Notes and slides from
Polylogarithms and Hyperbolic Volumes, my EXPOSITORY talk at Hyperbolic
Volume 2007 at Fribourg
- Slides from my talk
at the 25th Journ?s
- Slides from my talk
at the Lunch Number Theory Seminar in MPIfM
- Slides
from my talk at Segundas
Jornadas de Teoria de Numeros
- My talk at the
Low-dimensional Topology and Number Theory workshop in
My talks
at the Mahler measures conference at the
Institute of Technology
Slide show from my talk about the
history of the Riemann Hypothesis at the GAME Seminar here at U of
Slide show from my talk at
the Colloquium in Calgary
Slide show from my talk at
the AMS
2008 Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Slide show from my talk at
the ABC
Algebra Workshop, Simon Fraser University
- Slide show from my talk at
the Annual
North/South Dialogue in Mathematics, University of Calgary
- Slide show from my talk
the Number
Theory Day at the University of Lethbridge
- My talk at the CNTA
- My talk at the Université de
My talks in Okinawa
My talk at the MIT Women in
Mathematics Lecture Series
My talk at the Workshop
on Discovery
and Experimentation in Number Theory
My talk at the 2009 CMS Winter
My talk at the
AMS 2010 Joint Mathematics Meetings
- My talk at the
West End Number Theory Seminar
- My talk at CNTA XI
- My talk at
the Conf?ence
- My talk at the Number theory seminar at
- My talk at the 2010 CMS Winter
- My talk at the Colloque des mathématiques de Montréal CRM-ISM
- Présentation sur le cube de Rubik
pour le
Voici quelques notes. Si vous avez des corrections,
dites-le moi, je serai heureuse de corriger mon francais! (et les
- Des triangles, des quadrilatères et des courbes elliptiques(club mathématique)
Seminar Talks at UT:
- Dilogarithm,
a cool function , Junior Number Theory Seminar.
- On
certain examples of Mahler Measures as Multiple Polylogarithms , the
candidacy talk that I gave at the Number Theory Seminar.
- Every
Positive Integer is the Sum of Four Squares! (and other exciting
problems) , about Lagrange's Theorem and Waring's problem at the
Sophex Seminar.
- A nice
condition for linearity, Sophex Seminar.
- The zeta
function strikes back!!!, a talk I gave about an example of a
five-variable polynomial whose Mahler measure is esentially zeta(5) at the
Junior Algebra / Number Theory Seminar.
- Mahler Measure and Hyperbolic Volumes, notes and slides
from my talk at the Junior Number Theory Seminar.
- An algebraic
integration for Mahler Measure, my talk at the Junior Number Theory
- On the
friendship between Mahler measure and polylogarithms, notes and slides of my
talk at the Number Theory Seminar. Don't miss the bonus
- There's something about Mahler measure, notes and
from my talk at the Junior Number Theory Seminar.
- My defense.
- My last talk as a student at UT was about Bernoulli
Numbers at the Junior Number Theory Seminar.
Teaching, organizing, etc:
- Past teaching:
MAT6684w Formes modulaires/Modular Forms
(Fall 2017, U de M, in English)
Courbes elliptiques et formes modulaires/Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms
(Winter 2024, U de M, in English)
Courbes elliptiques et formes modulaires/Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms
(Winter 2017, U de M, in English)
MAT1410 Calcul 2 (Automne 2017, Hiver 2015, U de M)
Mathématiques discrètes (Hiver 2021, Hiver 2020, Hiver 2018, Automne 2016, Hiver 2013, U de M)
MAT2600 Algèbre (Automne 2023, Automne 2022, Automne 2020, Automne 2019, Automne 2018, Automne 2012, U de M)
MAT2611 Algèbre 2 (Hiver 2023, U de M)
MAT2130 Variable complexe (Hiver 2011,
U de M)
MAT3632 Théorie des nombres (Automne 2023, Autonme 2012, Autonme 2011,
U de M)
MAT3661 Théorie de Galois (Hiver 2019, Hiver 2017, Hiver 2011,
U de M)
MAT6650 Théorie algébrique des nombres/Algebraic Number Theory (Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2020, U de M, in English)
MAT6617 Théorie des nombres/Algebraic Number Theory (Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Fall
2014, Fall 2010, U de M, in English)
Math 228 Introduction to Ring
Theory (Winter 2010, U of A)
Math 228 Introduction to Ring
Theory (Winter 2009, U of A)
Math 512 Algebraic
Number Theory (Fall 2008, U of A)
Math 682 Introduction to Elliptic
Curves (Winter 2008, U of A)
Math 324 Elementary
Number Theory (Fall 2007, U of A)
Math 103 Integral Calculus with Applications to Life Sciences
(Spring 2007 UBC)
Advanced Calculus for applications I (Fall 2005 UT Austin)
Other Stuff:
- Cool places to learn Math: Arxivs, MathSciNet, Mathworld
- My favorite number is 127
- My favorite comic strips: Ph.D,
the unfeasible adventures of
Beaver and Steve, and Order of the stick
- My favorite blog is
Female Science Professor
- I am very fond of Mathematical Olympiads
- If I
were a Springer-Verlag Graduate Text in Mathematics...
- Visit Matilde, the
Danish Mathematical Society's newsletter!!!
- I
got married on
July 23rd, 2004!!!
- 42
- Cute
Overload for cute pictures.
- Nerdy stuff: News for nerds, Thinkgeek (this is where I get my
cool T-shirts)
- Getting info: Google, Standard repository of human knowledge
and wisdom aka Wikipedia! (at least until I get some copies of the
Encyclopedia Galactica or the HHG2G).
- Massive (geeky
music). Here
is one for music with Physics lyrics. I think this song should be my
favorite. Pandora for more
conventional music.
- Movies: imdb, rotten tomatoes, and the movie spoiler
Last updated August 10, 2016 (or later).
Send questions,
comments to
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