Coulombe, Janie

- Assistant Professor
Faculty of Arts and Science - Department of Mathematics and Statistics
André-Aisenstadt Office 4243
- STT3781 H - Laboratoire de statistique
Research area
I am interested in developing new causal estimators (average treatment effet and optimal dynamic treatment regimes) that can be used jointly with observational data. These estimators are built to consider some challenges in analyzing observational data, such as irregular visits, missing data and confounding of the treatment-outcome relationship.
My research is funded by an NSERC discovery grant and I am a Chercheuse-boursière Junior 1 du FRQS.
Currently, my research focuses on the development of causal estimators for different causal parameters that are more flexible and efficient. With Prof. Shu Yang (North Carolina State University), we developed a new multiply robust estimator ( for data with irregular observation times and confounding. That estimator is flexible and more efficient than others from its semiparametric class.
I am also interested in the many different ways of addressing irregular visit times and in comparing imputation and approaches based on inverse weighted estimating equations (work under review).
For more details, please see my page or my Google Scholar page at .
Papers on irregular visits:
Coulombe, J., Yang, S. Quadruply robust estimation of marginal structural models in observational studies subject to covariate-driven observations. (travail en révision)
Peer-reviewed papers:
Coulombe, J., E. E. Moodie, S. M. Shortreed, et C. Renoux (2023). "Estimating individualized treatment rules in longitudinal studies with covariate-driven observation times." Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(5): 868-884.
Coulombe, J., E. E. Moodie, R. W. Platt and C. Renoux (2022). "Estimation of the Marginal Effect of Antidepressants on Body Mass Index under Confounding and Endogenous Covariate-Driven Monitoring Times." Annals of Applied Statistics 16(3): 1868--1890.
Coulombe, J., E. E. Moodie and R. W. Platt (2021). "Weighted regression analysis to correct for informative monitoring times and confounders in longitudinal studies." Biometrics 77(1): 162-174.
Coulombe, J., E. E. Moodie and R. W. Platt (2021). "Estimating the marginal effect of a continuous exposure on an ordinal outcome using data subject to covariate'-'driven treatment and visit processes." Statistics in Medicine 40(26): 5746-5764.
Related to optimal dynamic treatment regimes:
Moodie, E. E. M., Bian, Z., Coulombe, J., Lian, Y., Yang, A. Y., et Shortreed, S. M. (2023). "Variable selection in high dimensions for discrete-outcome individualized treatment rules: Reducing severity of depression symptoms." Biostatistics, kxad022 (sous presse).
Coulombe, J., E. E. Moodie, S. M. Shortreed, et C. Renoux (2023). "Estimating individualized treatment rules in longitudinal studies with covariate-driven observation times." Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(5): 868-884.
Moodie, E. E. M., Coulombe, J., Danieli, C., Renoux, C., et Shortreed, S. M. (2022) "Privacy-preserving estimation of an optimal individualized treatment rule: A case study in maximizing time to severe depression-related outcomes." Lifetime data analysis, 28(3): 512-542.
Coulombe, J., Moodie, E. E. M., Shortreed, S. M., et Renoux, C. (2021) "Can the risk of severe depression-related outcomes be reduced by tailoring the antidepressant therapy to patient characteristics?" American Journal of Epidemiology, 190(7): 1210-1219.
Coulombe, J., Moodie, E. E. M., Shortreed, S. M., et Renoux, C. (2021) "Coulombe et al. respond to 'Baby steps to a learning mental health-care system". American Journal of Epidemiology, 190(7): 1223-1224.
Coulombe, J., Moodie, E. E. M., Shortreed, S. M., et Renoux, C. Coulombe et al. respond to 'Baby steps to a learning mental health-care system'. American Journal of Epidemiology, 190(7): 1223-1224.
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Awards and Recognition
- Prix Pierre Robillard Remis par la Société Statistique du Canada en reconnaissance à la meilleure thèse de doctorat dans un domaine en statistique pour une année donnée au Canada., 2022