Chagnon, Miguel

Faculty of Arts and Science - Department of Mathematics and Statistics
André-Aisenstadt Office 5213
- STT6533 H - Consultation statistique 2
Research area
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Selected publications Expand all Collapse all
LI-RADS for MR Imaging Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Performance of Major and Ancillary Features
Missing single nucleotide polymorphisms in Genetic Risk Scores: A simulation study
Cervical internal carotid occlusion versus pseudo-occlusion at CT angiography in the context of acute stroke: An accuracy, interobserver, and intraobserver agreement study
A Nursing Intervention Increases Quality of Life and Self-Efficacy in Migraine: A 1-Year Prospective Controlled Trial
Residual Cerebral Aneurysms After Microsurgical Clipping: A New Scale, an Agreement Study, and a Systematic Review of the Literature
Sex differences in attaining cigarette smoking and nicotine dependence milestones among novice smokers
Flow diversion in the treatment of aneurysms: A randomized care trial and registry
Predictors of Cigarette Smoking Initiation in Early, Middle, and Late Adolescence
Surgical clipping or endovascular coiling for unruptured intracranial aneurysms: A pragmatic randomised trial
Hydrogel versus bare platinum coils in patients with large or recurrent aneurysms prone to recurrence after endovascular treatment: A randomized controlled trial
Agreement studies in Radiology research
Adrenal venous sampling in primary aldosteronism: Multinomial regression modeling to detect aldosterone secretion lateralization when right adrenal sampling is missing
Adrenal vein sampling in primary aldosteronism: Concordance of simultaneous vs sequential sampling
MRI-determined liver proton density fat fraction, with MRS validation: Comparison of regions of interest sampling methods in patients with type 2 diabetes
Inter- and intrarater agreement on the outcome of endovascular treatment of aneurysms using MRA
Midodrine in patients with spinal cord injury and anejaculation: A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled pilot study
Feeding-swallowing difficulties in children later diagnosed with language impairment
Patients prone to recurrence after endovascular treatment: Periprocedural results of the PRET randomized trial on large and recurrent aneurysms
Uncertainty and agreement in the management of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: Clinical article
Inter- and intraobserver agreement in scoring angiographic results of intra-arterial stroke therapy
Optimal pancreatic phase delay with 64-detector CT scanner and bolus-tracking technique
The INTERnational Study on Primary Angiitis of the CEntral nervous system - a call to the world
Safety and Cost-Effectiveness of Outpatient Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Multiple Myeloma
Use of cannabis among 139 cluster headache sufferers
Silent ischemic lesions in young adults with first stroke are associated with recurrent stroke
Infant and maternal factors influencing breastmilk sodium among primiparous mothers
Effects of a culturally tailored physical activity promotion program on selected self-regulation skills and attitudes in adolescents of an underserved, multiethnic milieu
Postoperative anemia does not impede functional outcome and quality of life early after hip and knee arthroplasties
Incidence and prognostic value of eosinophilia in chronic graft-versus-host disease after nonmyeloablative hematopoietic cell transplantation
Prognostic impact of abdominal adiposity, waist circumference and body mass index in patients with intermediate-risk prostate cancer treated with radiotherapy
Suboccipital steroid injections for transitional treatment of patients with more than two cluster headache attacks per day: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Rule 3,000: A more reliable precursor to perceive vestibular schwannoma on MRI in screened asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss
3-d characterization of the corneal shape in fuchs dystrophy and pseudophakic keratopathy
Combining rim area to disc area asymmetry ratio and Moorfields regression analysis of confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy for glaucoma screening
Comparison of different methods of inter-eye asymmetry of rim area and disc area analysis
Is intra-operative ultrasound still useful for the detection of a hepatic tumour in the era of modern pre-operative imaging?
Influence of abdominal adiposity, waist circumference, and body mass index on clinical and pathologic findings in patients treated with radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer
Association between unilateral quiescent stromal herpetic keratitis and bilateral dry eyes
Red blood cell transfusion practice in elective orthopedic surgery: A multicenter cohort study
Rule 3,000 for screening vestibular schwannoma
Average 3-Dimensional Models for the Comparison of Orbscan II and Pentacam Pachymetry Maps in Normal Corneas
Asymmetric hearing loss: Rule 3,000 for screening vestibular schwannoma
Cutting edge: Genetic characterization of IFN-producing killer dendritic cells
Evaluation of human behavior in collision avoidance: A study inside immersive virtual reality
Noninvasive quantitation of human liver steatosis using magnetic resonance and bioassay methods
Multipronged intervention strategy to control an outbreak of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) and its impact on the rates of CDI from 2002 to 2007
Intraocular pressure adjusted for central corneal thickness as a screening tool for open-angle glaucoma in an at-risk population
Pre-synaptic and post-synaptic localization of EphA4 and EphB2 in adult mouse forebrain
Endovascular treatment of pericallosal aneurysms
Effects of misalignment during corneal topography
Unruptured intracranial aneurysms: Opinions of experts in endovascular treatment are coherent, weighted in favour of treatment, and incompatible with ISUIA
Construction of a 3-D atlas of corneal shape
Generation of kinins during preparation and storage of whole blood-derived platelet concentrates
Kinin-dependent hypersensitivity reactions in hemodialysis: Metabolic and genetic factors
Expression of metallopeptidases and kinin receptors in swine oropharyngeal tissues: Effects of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibition and inflammation
Topography-based screening for previous laser in situ keratomileusis to correct myopia and hyperopia
Human recombinant membrane-bound aminopeptidase P: Production of a soluble form and characterization using novel, internally quenched fluorescent substrates
Endovascular treatment of aneurysms: Gene expression of neointimal cells recruited on the embolic agent and evolution with recurrence in an experimental model
Recanalization of arterial thrombus, and inhibition with ?-radiation in a new murine carotid occlusion model: MRNA expression of angiopoietins, metalloproteinases, and their inhibitors
Safety, science, and sales: A request for valid clinical trials to assess new devices for endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms
A randomized trial on the safety and efficacy of endovascular treatment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms is feasible
New devices designed to improve the long-term results of endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms. A proposition for a randomized clinical trial to assess their safety and efficacy
Endovascular Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms with Radioactive Coils Initial Clinical Experience
Long-term angiographic recurrences after selective endovascular treatment of aneurysms with detachable coils