Angers, Jean-François
- Adjunct and Honorary professor
Faculty of Arts and Science - Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Research area
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Selected publications Expand all Collapse all
Some contributions on the multivariate Poisson-Skellam probability distribution
Wavelet-based Bayesian nonlinear regression for the air pollution effects on clinic visits in small areas of Taiwan
Bayesian forecasting for time series of categorical data
Modelling and Estimating Individual and Firm Effects with Count Panel Data
Canadian RCM projected transient changes to precipitation occurrence, intenisty and return level over North America
Air pollution effects on clinic visits in small areas of Taiwan revisited,
Étude des comportements de sécurité routière des propriétaires, exploitants et conducteurs de véhicules lourds au Québec
Some contributions on the multivariate Poisson-Skellam probability distribution
Hazard function estimation with nonnegative ``wavelets''
Bayesian nonlinear regression for the air pollution effects on daily clinic visits in small areas of Taiwan
Fuzzy Sets In Nonparametric Bayes Regression
Bayesian estimation of the hazard function with randomly right censored data
Bayesian estimation of the hazard function with randomly right censored data
Bivariate versus univariate ordinal categorical data with reference to an ophthalmologic study
Prior model for reconstruction of contingency table
Vehicle and fleet random effects in a model of insurance rating for fleets of vehicles
Angers, J.-F. et Kim,
Importance sampling with the generalized exponential power density
A stochastic method for Bayesian estimation of hidden Markov random field models with application to a color model
Multivariate Bayesian function estimation
Symmetry and Bayesian function estimation
Fuzzy sets in hierarchical Bayes and robust Bayes inference
A Bayesian analysis of zero-inflated generalized Poisson model
Estimation of monotone function for data on records
A new approximation of the posterior distribution of the log-odds ratio
A Bayesian adaptive design in clinical trials for continuous responses
Hierarchical Bayesian locally smoothed curve fitting
Bayesian nonparametric regression using wavelets
P-credence and outliers
Bayesian estimation of intra-block exchangeable normal means with applications
Hierarchical Bayesian curve fitting and model choice for spatial data
Simultaneous estimation of independent means of a Poisson random vector
Fourier transform and Bayes estimator of a location parameter
Choice of noninformative priors for the variance components of an unbalanced one-way random model
Estimating moments of the minimum order statistic from normal populations---a Bayesian approach
Hierarchical Bayesian curve fitting and smoothing
Robust hierarchical Bayes estimation of exchangeable means
The Stein effect and Bayesian analysis: a reexamination
Information et famille contaminée de mesures de probabilité a priori