Delfour, Michel

- Professeur associé et émérite et honoraire
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de mathématiques et de statistique
- Membre Centre de recherches mathématiques
- Membre CRM Centre de recherches mathématiques
- Optimisation et contrôle des systèmes
- Mathématiques appliquées
- Optimisation
- Équations différentielles ordinaires et aux dérivées partielles
- Analyse classique et analyse fonctionnelle
- Analyse, contrôle et identification de formes et de géométries
- Design et contrôle des endoprothèses
- Traitement d'image
- Affectation des fréquences radio aux mobiles terrestres
- Contrôle et stabilisation des structures spatiales
Michel Delfour est fellow Guggenheim, Killam, et SIAM et récipient du prix Urgel-Archambault en physique, mathématiques et génie de l'Acfas. Ses domaines de recherche sont l'optimisation et le design de forme, l'analyse et le contrôle des systèmes d'équations différentielles à retard et/ou aux dérivées partielles, le contrôle et la stabilisation des structures spatiales, et les méthodes numériques en équations différentielles et en optimisation. Parmi ses intérêtes récents, on retrouve l'affectation des fréquences radio aux systèmes de mobiles terrestres, la modélisation des coques minces et asymptotiques, le design des endoprothèses en cardiologie interventionnelle, et le design de la dynamique du largage des médicaments. Il est l'auteur de 13 livres et de plus de 175 articles. Il fut président de la Société mathématique du Canada et a servi sur de nombreux conseils et comités de subvention canadiens ainsi que sur des panels et comités d'administration d'organismes internationaux. Il est membre de l'Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec depuis 1966 et a été impliqué dans plusieurs activités conseils pour des organismes canadiens.
Encadrement Tout déplier Tout replier
Projets de recherche Tout déplier Tout replier
Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT) / 2022 - 2029
Shape and Topological Optimization: Analysis and Differential Calculus CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG) / 2017 - 2024
Shape and Topological Optimization: Analysis and Differential Calculus CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG) / 2017 - 2023
NSERC CREATE Training Program in Simulation-Based Engineering Science CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG) / 2016 - 2022
NSERC-CREATE Training Program in Simulation-Based Engineering Science CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG) / 2016 - 2022
CENTRE DE RECHERCHES MATHEMATIQUES (CRM) FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT) / 2015 - 2023
MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION, CONTROL, AND DESIGN WITH RESPECT TO SHAPES AND GEOMETRIES CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG) / 2012 - 2018
CENTRE DE RECHERCHES MATHEMATIQUES (CRM) FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT) / 2008 - 2016
ANALYSIS AND CONTROL OF SHAPES AND SYSTEMS CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG) / 1994 - 2014
Publications choisies Tout déplier Tout replier
Introduction to optimization and Hadanard semi-differential calculus, deuxième édition
On theTransfinite Mean Value Interpolation of Dicken and Floater
Mesh adaptation based on transfinite mean value interpolation
"On the figure of columns" of Lagrange revisited
Three-Dimensional Drug Release in the Stent-Polymer-Wall-Lumen of a Blood Vessel
Transfinite Interpolations for Free and Moving Boundary Problems
Topological Derivative: a Semidifferential via the Minkowski Content
Control, Shape, and Topological Derivatives via Minimax Differentiability of Lagrangians
Parametric Semidifferentiability of Minimax of Lagrangians: Averaged Adjoint Approach
Differentials and Semidifferentials for Metric Spaces of Shapes and Geometries
Metrics spaces of shapes and geometries from set parametrized functions
Minimax differentiability via the averaged adjoint for control/shape sensitivity
Arterial Stenosis: Hemodynamics and Drug Elutions, dans « PanVascular Medicine », 2nd ed., Peter Lanzer, ed.
Metrics spaces of shapes and geometries from set parametrized functions
Three-dimensional quadratic model of paclitaxel release from biodegradable polymer films
Quadratic ODE and PDE models of drug release kinetics from biodegradable polymers
Introduction à l'optimisation et au calcul semi-différentiel
Drug release kinetics from biodegradable polymers via partial differential equation models
Anisotropic mesh adaptation on Lagrangian Coherent Structures
Introduction to optimization and semi-differential calculus
Shapes and Geometries: Metrics, Analysis, Differential Calculus and Optimization
Quadratic models to fit experimental data of Paclitaxel release kinetics from biodegradable polymers
New equations for the dose under pulsative/periodic conditions in the design of coated stents
Representations, composition, and decomposition of C1,1 hypersurfaces
Linear-quadratic differential games: closed loop saddle points
Boundary smoothness of the solution of Maxwell's equations of electromagnetics
Linear-Quadratic Differential Games: from finite to infinite dimension
Representation of hypersurfaces and minimal smoothness of the midsurface in the theory of shells
General Patterns and Asymptotic Dose in the Design of Coated Stents
Coupling Stokes and Darcy equations
Jean-Paul Zolésio---a short biography
High Dimensional Partial Differential Equations in Science and Engineering
Representation and Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems
Linear-Quadratic Differential Games: Saddle Point and Riccati Differential Equation
Uniform Fat Segment and Cusp Properties for Compactness in Shape Optimization
Some New Results in Open and Closed-Loop Linear-Quadratic Differential Games
Shape and geometric methods in image processing
Evolution equations for shapes and geometries
A numerical study of primal mixed finite element approximations of Darcy equations
Shape identification via metrics constructed from the oriented distance function
Modeling and design of coated stents to optimize the effect of the dose
The uniform fat segment and cusp properties in shape optimization
Uniform cusp property, boundary integral, and compactness for shape optimization
Extension of the uniform cusp property in shape optimization
The new family of cracked sets and the image segmentation problem revisited
Oriented distance function and its evolution equation for initial sets with thin boundary
Dynamical free boundary problem for an incompressible potential fluid flow in a time-varying domain
Quantum Control: Mathematical and Numerical Challenges
Shapes and Geometries: Analysis, Differential Calculus and Optimization
Characterization of the space of solutions of the membrane shell equation for arbitrary $C^{1,1}$ midsurfaces
Fixed mesh approximation of ordinary differential equations with impulses
Boundaries, interfaces and transitions
Error analysis of mixed finite elements for cylindrical shells
On the design and control of systems governed by differential equations on submanifolds
Tangential differential equations for dynamical thin/shallow shells
A boundary differential equation for thin shells
One-sided derivative of minmax and saddle points with respect to a parameter
Shape analysis via oriented distance functions
Representation and Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems
Noniterative approximations to the solution of the matrix Riccati differential equation
A complement to the differentiability of saddle points and min-max
Optimal distribution of larvicide in running waters
Structure of shape derivatives for nonsmooth domains
Unbounded solutions to the linear quadratic control problem
Shape Optimization and Free Boundaries
Representation and Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems
Anatomy of the shape Hessian
Velocity method and Lagrangian formulation for the computation of the shape Hessian
Analyse des problèmes de forme par la dérivation des minimax
Shape sensitivity analysis via a penalization method
Shape sensitivity analysis via min max differentiability
Approximation of nonlinear problems associated with radiating bodies in space
State space theory of linear time invariant systems with delays in state, control, and observation variables. I, II
Modeling, stabilization and control of serially connected beams
Stabilization of hyperbolic systems using concentrated sensors and actuators
The linear-quadratic optimal control problem with delays in state and control variables: a state space approach
Dérivation d'un min max et application à la dérivation par rapport au contrôle d'une observation non différentiable de l'état
Discontinuous polynomial approximations in the theory of one-step, hybrid and multistep methods for nonlinear ordinary differential equations
An optimal triangulation for second-order elliptic problems
Linear optimal control of systems with state and control variable delays
Optimal design of minimum weight thermal diffuser with constraint on the output thermal power flux
Finite-difference solutions of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for ordinary differential equations
The structural operator $F$ and its role in the theory of retarded systems. II
The structural operator $F$ and its role in the theory of retarded systems. I
The largest class of hereditary systems defining a $C_{0}$ semigroup on the product space
$F$-reduction of the operator Riccati equation for hereditary differential systems
State theory of linear hereditary differential systems
Compte rendu du Deuxième Colloque CRM-IRIA
The linear quadratic optimal control problem for hereditary differential systems: theory and numerical solution
Stability and the infinite-time quadratic cost problem for linear hereditary differential systems
Hereditary differential systems with constant delays. II. A class of affine systems and the adjoint problem
Actes du Colloque sur la théorie des systèmes et la gestion scientifique des services publics
Individual and collective rationality in a dynamic Pareto equilibrium
Function spaces with a projective limit structure
Hereditary differential systems with constant delays. I. General case
Controllability and observability for infinite-dimensional systems
Controllability, observability and optimal feedback control of affine hereditary differential systems
Le contrôle optimal de systèmes gouvernés par des équations différentielles héréditaires affines
Systèmes d'équations différentielles héréditaires à retards fixes. Une classe de systèmes affines et le problème du système adjoint
Systémes d'équations différentielles héréditaires à retards fixes. Théorèmes d'existence et d'unicité
Reachability of perturbed systems and ${\rm min\,sup}$ problems
Prix et distinctions
- Société royale du Canada Les Académies des arts, des lettres et des sciences du Canada, 1997
- Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas) Prix Urgel-Archambault, 1995
- Conseil des arts du Canada Bourse Killam, 1989