Algebra and number theory
Traditionally, algebra was the art of manipulating and solving equations. Today, the study of algebraic structures has become a field of its own and a partner of the major domains of mathematics, such as Algebraic Geometry. Number Theory, which dates back to antiquity, remains always one of the most active fields of the discipline.
The departement is active in these two subjects. In Algebra, the research focuses on Lie Theory, Invariant Theory and Algebraic Geometry, Graph and Network Theory, and on algebraic and analytic aspects of Combinatorics. In Number Theory, it focuses on the analytic aspects, particularly on problems related to mean values of multiplicative function, on values of L-functions and on character sums. It focuses also on the connections between the values of L-functions and the Mahler measure of particular varieties.
The professors working in this discipline are :
Granville, Koukoulopoulos and Lalín are also members of the Montreal Number Theory Group.