Frigon, Marlène

- Professeure titulaire
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de mathématiques et de statistique
André-Aisenstadt Local 5143
- Membre Centre de recherches mathématiques
- Membre CRM Centre de recherches mathématiques
Cours donnés
- MAT2100 H - Analyse 3
- Équations différentielles
- Points fixes
- Analyse non linéaire
- Méthodes variationnelles
- Analyse et probabilités
Mes travaux portent principalement sur la théorie des points fixes et la théorie des points critiques ainsi que sur l'application de ces théories aux équations et inclusions différentielles ordinaires ou partielles.
Projets de recherche Tout déplier Tout replier
Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT) / 2022 - 2029
CENTRE DE RECHERCHES MATHEMATIQUES (CRM) FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT) / 2015 - 2023
THEORIES DES POINTS FIXES ET DES POINTS CRITIQUES EN ANALYSE NON LINEAIRE ET APPLICATIONS CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG) / 2013 - 2022
CENTRE DE RECHERCHES MATHEMATIQUES (CRM) FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT) / 2008 - 2016
Publications choisies Tout déplier Tout replier
Multiplicity results for systems of first order dynamic inclusions on time scales
A contraction principle on gauge spaces with graphs and application to infinite graph-directed iterated function systems
Systems of Hammerstein integral inclusions in Banach spaces with mixed monotone conditions
Applications of multivalued contractions on graphs to graph-directed iterated function systems
Multiple solutions of problems with nonlinear first order differential operators
Multiplicity results for systems of first order differential inclusions
Fixed point results for multivalued contractions on a metric space with a graph
Multiple solutions of boundary value problems with $\phi$-Laplacian operators and under a Wintner-Nagumo growth condition
On some generalizations of Ekeland's principle and inward contractions in gauge spaces
Systems of first order inclusions on time scales
Boundary value problems for systems of second-order dynamic equations on time scales with $delta$-Carathéodory functions
Existence theorems for systems of third order differential equations
Fixed point results for multivalued maps in metric spaces with generalized inwardness conditions
On a notion of category depending on a functional. II. An application to Hamiltonian systems
On a notion of category depending on a functional. I. Theory and application to critical point theory
Multiplicity results for systems of second order differential equations
Systems of first order differential inclusions with maximal monotone terms
Fixed point and continuation results for contractions in metric and in gauge spaces
Global existence of analytic solutions to the Cauchy problem in a complex domain
Systems of coupled Poisson equations with critical growth in unbounded domains
Systems of differential inclusions with maximal monotone terms
Systems of singular Poisson equations in unbounded domains
Systems of singular Poisson equations in unbounded domains
A note on upper and lower solutions for first order inclusions of upper semicontinuous or lower semicontinuous type
Remarques sur l'enlacement en théorie des points critiques pour des fonctionnelles continues
Systems of coupled Poisson equations with critical growth in unbounded domains
A survey of recent fixed point theory in Fréchet spaces
Fixed points of cone-compressing and cone-extending operators in Fréchet spaces
Fixed point results for compact maps on closed subsets of Fréchet spaces and applications to differential and integral equations
Fixed point results for multivalued contractions on gauge spaces
A Leray-Schauder alternative for Mönch maps on closed subsets of Fréchet spaces
Fuzzy contractive maps and fuzzy fixed points
On a generalized critical point theory on gauge spaces and applications to ellliptic problems on $\Bbb R^N$
Second order Sturm-Liouville BVP's with impulses at variable moments
Fixed point results for generalized contractions in gauge spaces and applications
First order impulsive initial and periodic problems with variable moments
On a new notion of linking and application to elliptic problems at resonance
Résultats de type Leray-Schauder pour des contractions sur des espaces de Fréchet
On a critical point theory for multivalued functionals and application to partial differential inclusions
Nonlinear first-order initial and periodic problems in Banach spaces
Impulsive differential equations with variable times
On continuation methods for contractive and nonexpansive mappings
Differential inclusions and implicit equations on closed subsets of $\Bbb R^n$
Existence results for first-order impulsive differential equations
Topological methods in differential equations and inclusions
Théorèmes d'existence de solutions d'inclusions différentielles
Boundary and periodic value problems for systems of differential equations under Bernstein-Nagumo growth condition
Boundary value problems for second order impulsive differential equations using set-valued maps
Existence theory for compact and noncompact intervals
Existence results for some initial and boundary value problems without growth restriction
Alternative non linéaire pour les applications contractantes
Existence results for initial value problems in Banach spaces
Résultats du type de Leray-Schauder pour des contractions multivoques
Boundary and periodic value problems for systems differential equations under Bernstein-Nagumo growth condition
Existence results for first order impulsive differential equations
Boundary value problems for second order impulsive differential equations using set-valued maps
Existence results for some initial and boundary value problems without growth restriction
Boundary value problems for systems of implicit differential equations
A note on the Cauchy problem for differential inclusions
Some general existence principles for ordinary differential equations
Boundary and periodic value problems for systems of nonlinear second order differential equations
Théorèmes d'existence pour des problèmes aux limites sans condition de croissance
Existence principles for Carathéodory differential equations in Banach spaces
Boundary and periodic value problems for systems of nonlinear second order differential equations
Boundary value problems for systems of implicit differential equations
Problèmes aux limites pour des inclusions différentielles de type semi-continues inférieurement
Heat equations with discontinuous nonlinearities on convex and nonconvex constraints
Problèmes aux limites pour des inclusions différentielles sans condition de croissance
Problèmes aux limites pour des inclusions différentielles de type semi-continues inférieurement
On the Cauchy problem for differential inclusions
Heat equations with discontinuous nonlinearities on convex and nonconvex constraints
Théorèmes d'existence pour des inclusions différentielles sans convexité
Problèmes aux limites pour des inclusions différentielles sans condition de croissance
Sur l'existence de solutions pour l'équation différentielle $u'(z)=f(z,u(z))$ dans un domaine complexe
Théorèmes d'existence pour des inclusions différentielles sans convexité
Some remarks on the interval of existence of solutions to first order initial value problems
Application de la théorie de la transversalité topologique à des problèmes non linéaires pour des équations différentielles ordinaires
Some problems of parabolic type with discontinuous nonlinearities on convex constraints
On a generalization of a theorem of S. Bernstein
Sur l'intervalle maximal d'existence de solutions pour des inclusions différentielles