Andrew Granville's resume.
Canadian Research Chair in number theory at the University of Montreal

Grad Students
Grad Student Courses
Grad Student Research
Undergraduate Courses
Pre-grad Research

M. Beck, E. Pine, W. Tarrant and K. Yarborough, Integers as the sum of three cubes,

E. Croot, On Some Questions of Erdos and Graham about Egyptian Fractions,
Mathematika 46 (1999), 359--372.
E. Croot, D. Dobbs, J. Friedlander, A. Hetzel and F. Pappalardi,
Binary Egyptian Fractions, J. Number Theory 84 (2000), 63--79.
E. Croot, A Combinatorial Method for Developing Lucas Sequence Identities, (preprint)
E. Croot, On Unit Fractions with Denominators in Short Intervals,
Acta Arith 99 (2001), 99--114
E. Croot, On a Coloring Conjecture about Unit Fractions,
Ann. of Math. 157 (2003), 545--556.
E. Croot, On Non-intersecting Arithmetic Progressions,
Acta Arith. 110 (2003), no. 3, 233--238.

P. Cutter, Finding primes pairs with particular gaps Math. Comp 70 (2001), 1737--1744.
P. Cutter, A. Granville, T. Tucker, The number of fields generated by the square
root of values of a given polynomial.
Canad. Math. Bull. 46 (2003), 71--79.

G. Fox, J. Urbanowicz and K.S. Williams, Gauss' congruence from Dirichlet's class number
formula and its generalizations,
in ``Number Theory in Progress'' de Gruyter, Berlin, 1999,
pgs 819--839.
G. Fox, A p-adic L-function of two variables. Enseign. Math 46 (2000), 225--278.
G. Fox, Congruences relating rational values of Bernoulli and Euler polynomials.
Fibonacci Quart 39 (2001), 50--57.
G. Fox, Euler polynomials at rational numbers. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Soc. R. Can.
21 (1999), 87--90.
G. Fox, A method of Washington applied to the derivation of a two-variable p-adic
Pacific J. Math. 209 (2003), 31--40.
G. Fox, Kummer congruences for expressions involving generalized Bernoulli polynomials.
J. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux 14 (2002), no. 1, 187--204

C. Groer, The mathematics of survival: from antiquity to the playground.
Amer. Math. Monthly 110 (2003), 812--825.

K. James, L-series with non-zero central critical value,
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 11 (1998), 635--641.
K. James, An example of an elliptic curve with a positive density of prime quadratic twists
which have rank zero
in Topics in Number Theory (S.D.~Ahlgren eds.),
Kluwer, Netherlands (1999), 115--125.
K. James, Elliptic curves satisfying the Birch-Swinnerton Dyer conjecture mod 3,
J. Number Theory 76 (1999), 16--21.

J. Jimenez (with J. Cilleruelo), Lattice points on hyperbolas,
J. Number Theory 63 (1997), 267--274.
J. Jimenez (with A. Granville), The least common multiple of the integers in an interval,
to appear in Quart. J. Math (Oxford).

D. Khalil, On a family of quintic polynomials with dihedral Galois group. (preprint)

S. Li (with A. Granville and Sun Qi), On the number of solutions to the equation
a_1/x_1 + ... + a_n/x_n =0 mod 1,
Sichuan Daxue Xuebao 32 (1995), 243--248.

A. Srinivasan, Computations of class numbers of real quadratic fields,
Math. Comp. 67 (1998), 1285--1308.