Andrew Granville's resume.
Canadian Research Chair in number theory at the University of Montreal


7/06-6/11: National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada ($ 280,000 (Can)).

04/06: Clay Foundation for "additive combinatorics" school ($ 15,000) (with Joszef Solymosi)

07/05: NATO summer school "Equidistribution in Number theory" (E 55,000) (with Zeev Rudnick)

7/02-6/09: Canadian Research Chair ($ 1,400,000 (Can)).

7/02-6/06: National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada ($ 220,000 (Can)).

5/00-5/05: National Science Foundation ($ 485,000).

5/00-5/05: NSF VIGRE PI: ($ 2,400,000).

1/91--5/00 National Science Foundation $ 944,000 (with Carl Pomerance and Helmut Maier)

1/94-10/99: Presidential Faculty Fellowship ($ 500,000).

9/90--3/98, National Security Agency ($ 195,000): (with Carl Pomerance and Helmut Maier)
for support of graduate students.

9/92 -- 9/94 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship ($ 30,000).

1992: National Science Foundation and Intel Corporation ($ 169,795) for
Hypercube --- A Mathematical Sciences Computing Research Environment.

1996: National Security Agency, for CNTA V, ($ 7,500).

1991: National Science Foundation and National Security Agency, for CNTA III ($ 15,000)