What is statistics? The world around us is full of uncertainty. To help us understand it better, we compile huge quantities of data. The science of statistics involves separating the information from the background noise. Lire la suite
About the Department The Department of Mathematics and Statistics (DMS) offers a wide selection of specialized, bidisciplinary and multidisciplinary programs, at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels. Lire la suite
Contact us The Department of Mathematics and Statistics (DMS) is located at the André-Aisenstadt Building on the main campus. Lire la suite
What is mathematics? Mathematics is a branch of science that studies quantities, orders, spaces, numbers and figures. Lire la suite
What is actuarial science? Learn more about actuarial science and the job openings it might lead to. Lire la suite
Alumni (French) Faites connaissance avec nos diplômés des programmes de 1er cycle et des cycles supérieurs. Lire la suite
Job postings (French) Vous voulez joindre l’équipe du Département de mathématiques et de statistique? Readmore... Lire la suite
Frequently asked questions (French) Tout ce que vous voulez savoir lorsque vous êtes étudiants. Lire la suite
Supporting the Department Vous souhaitez soutenir nos étudiants ou nos activités? Faites un don au fonds alma mater. Lire la suite