and video)
December 7, 8:30 -
9:45 - Felix
Schlenk (Neuchatel): How to distinguish
Lagrangian tori
Abstract: One technique to
distinguish monotone Lagrangian submanifolds up to ambient
symplectomorphism is by counting the holomorphic discs of
Maslov index two with
boundary on the Lagrangian. Another, more
elementary technique is by studying a symplectic invariant
on "neighbours" of the Lagrangians. This technique of
versal deformations was introduced by Chekanov in
his construction of exotic Lagrangian tori in R^{2n}. I
will outline this construction, and if time permits shall
explain how it can be used to tell apart Vianna's tori in
Del Pezzo surfaces.
December 7, 10:00 - 11:15 - Renato Vianna
(UFRJ): Monotone
Lagrangian tori in Del Pezzo surfaces
Abstract: We will introduce the concept of almost
toric fibrations developed by Symington, given an specific
example in the projective plane, where we can see how to
interpolate from the monotone Clifford torus to the
monotone Chekanov torus. We will discuss the wall-crossing
phenomena. Then we will show how infinitely many monotone
Lagrangian tori arise as fibres of ATF and how the Maslov
index 2 holomorphic disks they bound can distinguish them.
December 8, 8:30 - 9:45 -
Jonny Evans (Lancaster): What to do
when you first meet a Lagrangian submanifold
Abstract: Whenever I meet a new
Lagrangian submanifold for the first time, there are some
things I make sure I find out about it. I will illustrate
this with a worked example: the Chiang Lagrangian in CP^3
which I worked out with YankI Lekili back in 2013-14:
https://arxiv.org/abs/1401.4073 . Along the way, we will
see some useful lemmas for understanding holomorphic