Christiane Rousseau
Publications disponibles
Table des matières
- Normalizable, integrable
and linearizable saddle points in complex quadratic systems in C^2, avec
C. Christopher and P. Mardesic, J. Dynam and Control Systems, 9, (2003), 311-363.
- Normal forms near a saddle-node and applications to finite cyclicity of graphics,
avec F. Dumortier et Y. Ilyashenko, Ergodic theory and dynamical systems, 22, (2002), 783-818.
- Finite cyclicity of elementary graphics surrounding a focus or center in quadratic systems,
avec F. Dumortier et A. Guzmán, Qualitative theory of dynamical systems, 3, (2002), 123-154.
- Modulus of analytic classification for unfoldings of generic parabolic diffeomorphisms,
avec P. Mardesic et R. Roussarie, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 4, (2004), 455-498.
- Addendum to "Modulus of analytic classification for unfoldings
of generic parabolic diffeomorphisms", Moscow Mathematical Journal, 4, (2004), 499-502.
- PP-graphics with a nilpotent elliptic singularity in quadratic systems and Hilbert`s 16th problem,
avec H. Zhu, Journal Differential Equations, 196, (2004), 169-208.
- Normal forms,
bifurcations and finiteness problems in differential equations, Comptes-rendus du Séminaire
de mathématiques supérieures 2002, Kluwer Editor 2004.
Normalizability, synchronicity and relative exactness for vector fields in C^2 ,
avec C. Christopher and P. Mardesic, Jour. Dyn and Control Systems, 10, (2004), 501-525.
Normalizable, integrable and linearizable saddle
points in the Lotka-Volterra system,
avec C. Christopher, Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 5, (2004), 11-61.
Modulus of analytic classification for a family unfolding a saddle-node,
Moscow Mathematical Journal, 5, (2005), 245-268.
Divergent series: past, present, future.
Modulus of analytic classification for the generic unfolding of a codimension one resonant diffeomorphism or resonant saddle,
avec C. Christopher, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 57, (2007), 301-360.
Normal forms for germs of analytic families of
planar vector fields unfolding a generic saddle-node or resonant
saddle, Nonlinear dynamics and evolution equations, 227--245,
Fields Inst. Commun., 48, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2006.
The root extraction problem, J. Differential Equations, 234, (2007), 110-141.
Bifurcation analysis of a predator-prey system with generalised Holling type III functional
response, avec Yann Lamontagne et Caroline Coutu, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 20, (2008), 535-571
Analytical moduli for unfoldings of saddle-node vector-fields, avec Loïc Teyssier, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 8, (2008), 547-614
The Stokes phenomenon in the confluence of the hypergeometric equation using Riccati equation, avec Caroline Lambert,
Journal of Journal of Differential Equations, 244, (2008), 2641-2664.
The moduli space of germs of generic families of analytic diffeomorphisms unfolding a parabolic fixed point, avec C.
Christopher, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 345 (2007) 695-698.
Finite cyclicity of nilpotent graphics of pp-type surrounding a center, avec Robert Roussarie, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society -
Simon Stevin, 5, (2008), 889-920
Study of the cyclicity of some degenerate graphics inside quadratic systems, avec Freddy Dumortier, Comunications in Pure and Applied Analysis,
8, (2009), 1133-1157
The moduli space of germs of generic families of analytic diffeomorphisms unfolding a parabolic fixed point, avec C.
Christopher, à paraître dans IMRN.
The completion of Escher's "Print Gallery": a dynamical system approach, avec P. Carphin.
moduli space of germs of generic families of analytic
diffeomorphisms unfolding of a codimension one resonant
diffeomorphism or resonant saddle, J. Differential Equations, 248 (2010), 1794-1825.
Analyse des Bifurcations d'un Modèle de Gause Généralisé avec Récolte de Proies et Fonction de Holling Type III Généralisée, avec Remy Etoua,
version française.
Analysis of a Generalized Gause Model with Prey Harvesting and a Generalized Holling Response Function of Type III, avec Remy Magloire Etoua,
J. Differential Equations, 249 (2010), 2316-2356.
Complete system of analytic invariants for unfolded differential linear systems with an irregular singularity of Poincaré rank 1, avec Caroline Lambert, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 12 (2012), 77-138
The modulus of analytic classification for the
unfolding of the codimension-one flip and Hopf
bifurcations, avec Waldo Arriagada-Silva, Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse, Série 6, Volume XX (2011), 541-580.
Organizing Center for the Bifurcation Analysis of a Generalized Gause
Model with Prey Harvesting and Holling Response Function of Type
III, avec Sophie Laurin.
The modulus of unfoldings of cusps in conformal
geometry, J. Differential Equations, 251 (2011), 2980-2986.
- Analytic moduli for unfoldings of germs of generic analytic diffeomorphims with a codimension k parabolic point, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 35 (2015), 274-292.
- Moduli space of unfolded differential linear systems with an irregular singularity of Poincaré rank 1, avec Caroline Lambert, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 13 (2013), no. 3, 529-550, 553-554.
- How Inge Lehmann discovered the inner core of the Earth, College Mathematics Journal, 44 (2013), no. 5, 399-408.
- Complete system of analytic invariants for unfolded differential linear systems with an irregular singularity of Poincaré rank k, avec Jacques Hurtubise et Caroline Lambert, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 14 (2014), 309-338.
- Finite cyclicity of some graphics through a nilpotent point of saddle type inside quadratic systems, avec Chunhua Shan et Huaiping Zhu, à paraître dans Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, publié en ligne DOI 10.1007/s12346-015-0143-2
- Finite cyclicity of some center graphics through a nilpotent point inside quadratic systems, avec Robert Roussarie.
- The bifurcation diagram of cubic polynomial vector fields on $\CP^1$.
Dernière modification juin 2005: