Mathematical Sciences Investigation (MSI) :
Anatomy of Integers and Permutations
by Jennifer and Andrew Granville .
A screenplay, performed as a rehearsed reading,
with stage design by Michael Spencer and music composed by Robert Schneider.
(Now being drawn as a graphic novel by Robert J. Lewis , to be published by Princeton University Press in late 2013.)
Live Performances
Upcoming performances: Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, at the Canadian Mathematical Society meeting, 7th and 8th December 2012. Poster.
The Simons Auditorium, MSRI Berkeley on 29th April 2011. Program and
First performed at Wolfensohn Hall, The Institute for Advanced Study, on 12th December 2009.
Program and Poster.
Accompanying mathematical articles
The mathematics of MSI: Anatomy (first draft).
Public lecture in English, and in French
Theme Music: Reverie in Prime Time Signatures (score) by Robert Schneider
Ivars Peterson's The Mathematical Tourist (06/01/10) at the MAA.
Emmanuel Kowalski's blog (16/12/09).
IAS Newsletter, page 8
Montreal Gazette (16/12/09);
Le Devoir (15/12/09);
Radio Canada (en francais)
Leeds Met U press release (02/12/09);
U de Montreal press release (10/12/09).
Possible future performance
Annual joint meetings of the AMS at Baltimore, January 15-18, 2014